Sunday, July 5, 2009

Networking Now!

Before I started my own business, I envisioned life, working from home, getting on my laptop and watching client requests poor in. There I would sit sipping my tea, and figuring out what assignment to work on first, all while tapping the heels of my bunny slippers. Then I woke up.

When you dive into being an entrepreneur and running your own business, there are many things you need to consider: Equipment, Marketing, Research, the list goes on really, but I think the most important tool of all is the art of Networking. Especially if you work at home, networking can be the added skill you need to secure clients and make connections.

I've had many clients who put things like networking to the side and truly believed that through advertising was the only way they could build their business. You must understand that networking is something you need to do now in order to succeed in your business.

How can you Network? There are 2 ways you can network with other people: Online & Offline.

Networking online is fairly simple in our day and age with applications like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, in a couple of mere seconds you can connect with people all over the world. The art is to make sure that you listen and respond to other people as well. If you just talk talk talk, or shall I say "type type type", your going to lose a person's interest and they may think you will not have the time or interest to listen to them.

Networking offline, may be a little bit difficult, just because you need to find events, but the actually talking, face to face, is also fairly painless. Checking out your local chamber of commerce, business associations, and networking groups will give you great places to start to get the word out about your business and the products or service your provide. The same concept is fairly the same as with networking online: Listen. Listen and ask plenty of questions. Potential clients and referrals like to know that you are interested in them and their thoughts as well. You need to gain their trust before you can gain their service.

Networking is something that can't be put off. It's super easy, and is a great way to gain referrals, plus make great connections.

Network Now!

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